
Archive for March, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, I realize most of my posts lately have been about breakfast. Reasons for this are a) they work well with tea, and b) I have only been making new breakfasts. My dinners have consisted of salad, fish, and take out. I am sorry for this. I have also been making tons of bread, but that has already been posted on. Please forgive my temporary breakfast kick I have been on. After all it is the most important meal of the day!!!

We made this in the Breakfast club. It was so wonderful! Make it on special occasions because it obviously is not supposed to be an everyday meal (when considering the fat content!). But the meal was extremely rewarding and comforting! I think several of us wanted to lick the plates! 😉 Plus it was the first time I had every made hollendaise sauce. Easy easy easy!!!! I totally disagree with Julia (please don’t be mad) Child in saying that one should start off making the sauce by hand. My question is why? This “blender” technique is so simple and easy that anyone who makes it will feel gourmet and want to cook some more. Please do not be intimidated by the recipe. Take some time on a beautiful Saturday morning, make it up, and serve a marvelous breakfast to your family!

Carribean Crab Cake Benedict
Courtesy of Julia Burrage

Crab Cakes

8 ounces crab meat, picked through for stray shells
1 package of Zatteran’s crab cake mix, plus the ingredients listed on the box
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper

Mix this all together. Form cakes as big as you want. Fry them according to package directions.

Poached Egg: Go to this site. Simply Recipes.com has pictures and simple instructions better than I could ever give. Plus mine exploded in the microwave. If you would like to have a go with the microwave method, here’s my instructor. here.

Hollandaise Sauce

4 egg yolks
1 cup butter, melted and bubbling slightly
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper

In a blender, whip the egg yolks until thick and pale yellow. With the blender going at slow speed, dribble the butter in slowly. Half way through add the lime juice and spices. Then continue to add the butter slowly. When the butter is completely added, continue whipping until thickened almost to the consistency of mayonnaise. Serve at room temperature. The hotness from the butter cooks the eggs to the temperature to kill almost all of the “bacteria” that might be learking there.

To assemble:

1 avacado
1 lime
a pretty plate

Slice the avacado and squeeze the lime over the slices. This prevents the avacado from turning brown. Place a crab cake on the pretty plate, the avacado and the poached egg on top. If beauty is a factor, gently place the egg on top as to not break the lovely yolk. Then pour the silky hollendaise sauce over the top and sprinkle with paprika. We served two Benedicts per person probably disregarding the traditional serving sizes.

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